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I am currently employed at Hertford Regional College as a Media Lecturer.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Task 2b: Journal writing experience

I feel that I am not the best at writing, struggling in some ways to make anything make sense and thought that it would be easier to either voice record my journal or film it, however this turned out to be more difficult than it first seemed. Eventually I decided to take a chance at writing.

When I began writing my journal, I found it difficult to pick out important points of my day. Eventually I found that the best way was to list everything that happened throughout my day and then write about each aspect individually, keeping anything that was actually important.

I found that the initial breakdown of my day’s was somewhat irrelevant to what I am trying to achieve in my career, so I had to really think about what I had achieved and what relevance this would have to my profession.
In my current job role, unless there is a major event or some filming/ editing that I am required to assist with, my days just become repetitive as I would normally be editing a show that has recently been filmed or fixing damaged equipment. If I found that my day was repetitive I wrote about it in smaller chunks, however not dismissing the day completely as it is still a part of my path into my future career.

I also found it quite difficult to keep a journal everyday, due to my somewhat busy schedule within work (even though I may sometimes only be doing some video editing I am always working to a deadline).
Beyond this process I am going to make sure that I continue with writing a journal, as I find it useful to break down what I am able to achieve within a day. I am travelling the USA in the summer for five weeks and have decided that I will journal my trip every step of the way.

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