About Me

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I am currently employed at Hertford Regional College as a Media Lecturer.

Monday, March 5, 2012


I have finally uploaded a completed version of my "Starting out on BAPP" video. There are still some things I want to do to it, however I could spend hours making changes and never get it uploaded.

I have a draft version that I will upload later in the week, which will show the video in its rawest form.

I have gone for a Documentary format and hope it fits in with the criteria. 



  1. Hey Daniel,

    So are the thoughts of the people filmed your thoughts or are your thoughts on the final slides?

    I like the style of film, the background track and what was said - I am just intrigued! :-)

  2. The idea was to have the students that I assist explain what they want to do and why they want to do, also who helps them along the way, which basically backs up the idea that I want to teach them and help them achieve what they want.

    Coincidently, a lot of the things the students say relate to me as well :D

    Glad you enjoyed it... I'm not 100% happy with it but that's just because it's my video. If I had more time I would better it.

  3. It looks very professional with the setting etc. Great job. You should be 100% happy with it x

  4. Hey Daniel,
    I love the fact that you have filmed the students to help you to communicate your passion for teaching and the fact that through your teaching, you want to help them to achieve. It's almost like a "reflection" of how you feel, with the use of their words and feelings..? (Particularly as you are now the a student yourself!?)

    I don't believe that us "creatives", who are such perfectionists, will ever be 100% happy with the results we achieve. There is always room for improvement and yet to another person's eye, it appears to be a finished article...I thought it was great. :-)

  5. Thankyou for your comments, they are very reassuring!

    I think that I will leave it the way it is for now otherwise I will go on forever.

    How are you both finding the course so far?
