When reading “Reader 3: The Networked professional”, it made
me understand the psychological differences within the “Social Mind”. This has allowed me to compare all of the psychological
differences between what I do within my networking.
The definition of professional network within this document,
alone, gave me a great insight.
“A work related
community held together by either close working affiliation or more distant but
common work interests or needs”.
The theory of “affiliation” was an interesting concept and
made me establish in which situations I tend to network more and what levels of
“affiliation” I require.
I use “Facebook” and “Twitter” on a daily basis and as
stated in previous blog posts, these are used mainly for personal networking.
When deciphering the extent of my usage of both of these forms of social
networking, I tend to use them a great amount when I am alone. This is linking
to the extract from “Crisp, J & Turner, R. (2007), pages 266-268) which
begins on page 6 of the reader. This is my mind choosing when I need to “Affiliate”
or seek some form of human contact.
If I am at work, I tend to use a more formal way of
networking (as stated in task 3a), therefore affiliating on a professional
basis and whereas my mind is in a “working” mindset, the psychological need for
human contact is minimal, however there are occasions where I check my social
networks throughout the day, however, not to the extent that I would if I was
on my own.
Reading further on through the reader to the “Social
Constructionism” section (this begins on page 8), I found that I very rarely
include this theory in any of my social networking posts, however I come across
people that have, however, due to confidentiality I cannot share these but, I
have seen posts that state only one meaningless word or sentence and it is not
until I read the comments other people have left on the post, that I fully
understand the story. Referring to the
extract “Crotty, M. (2005) pages 42-44” and the part where it states:
“In the
constructionist view, as the word suggests, meaning is not discovered but
constructed. Meaning does not inhere the object, merely waiting for someone to
come upon it”.
My “working network” differs from “social network” when it
comes to “Social Constructionism”. There may be occasions when some information
is passed over to me, or I pass some information and it is not until questions are
asked, or more information is added, that the full story is constructed and
“Connectivism” was the main section of the reader that I was
struggling understanding the nature of theory. After reading several blog
posts, I have come to the understanding that it is based upon learning from
“Connectivism is the concept of continual learning and learning from
others ”Kelly Everitt”
As I work in education, I try to encourage learners to work
together when trying to solve a technical problem with a piece of equipment
they may be using. I also try to get them to share any experiences they may
have that can help them develop their mindset of their futures.
After trying to get to grips with this theory and once I
research into it more, I am aiming to set up some form of “Network” that will
allow the students to share their experiences (similar to the way that we are
doing on BAPP), also allowing me to post things that would be helpful to them.
“Communities of practice” is a theory that I feel is used
within my work place all of the time. This part of the reader refers to:
“Members of a
community of practice, whether work place, special interests, virtual or of any
other form, come together because of mutual interest and generate a shared
experience of engagement in the community of practice” (Page 16 of the
There are several occasions that this theory is used, in
particular, if there is a “Creative Education” course that is funded by the
college I work for, everybody on that course has a significant interest in the
subject at hand, this leads to discussion and a professional relationship being
established within the group.
The theories within this reflection have allowed me to
identify different ways in which I use professional network and extract some
psychology from this.